

Help us reach our goal

Paul Girrawah House
2024 ACT Election

To all my supporters

I am committed to uniting the region’s First Nation people and all Canberrans on a
journey, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared ancient history. I am convinced that I can bring a unique perspective to the ACT Assembly. Our urgent local efforts to Close the Gap are of paramount importance. Yindyamarra bala marradalgubu, giyirragulbul, yandalgubu (respect is taking responsibility for the now, past, present and future). This vision can only be realised with the success of the First Nation Party.

News, Events, Policies

Latest News, Events, and Policies from the First Nations Party

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Policy Documents

Housing Policy

First Nation Party supports the call by the ACT Council of Social Service and ACT Shelter for more Aboriginal community-controlled

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